The service provided on this website https://www.thecivilindia.com as the name suggests, information available on the government held in the past and forthcoming changes, to be held in near future. Kindly visit here for Privacy Policy.
The information/map images available here on the Website are drawn and compiled by this Website, using data believed to be accurate. These data have been collected through various online sources and on the data made available by the Govt. of India. However, a degree of error is inherent to all the information/map images not based on scale. The information/map images provided by this Website are on “as is” basis, without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to warranties of the quality or suitability for a particular purpose or use.
The Service is intended to provide the information available on factors pertaining to past and future updates. But this Website does not warrant accuracy of the data.
The Website shares no liability with Service users in any incidental, skeptical, consequential or direct damages or loss whatsoever or any other economic or commercial loss. This Website is not responsible for any claim by a third party.
The information/data/map images and application used for the Service are provided merely for information. The Website expressly disclaims any and all liability arising out of the information or the services placed here on this Website.
M/s BRS MEDIA PVT. LTD. is the exclusive owner of the intellectual property rights subsisting in the map image(s), concept, site structure and content of the Website. Making a copy of any of the content/map image(s) either in whole or in part or using the concept/format/site structure of the website to make/develop derivative content or similar content/map image(s) without express and written permission from BRS MEDIA PVT. LTD. is strictly prohibited. Any such attempt without express and written permission would amount to infringement of copyright and/or trademark and BRS MEDIA PVT. LTD. shall have the right to initiate infringement proceedings against the perpetrators without any notice.
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